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Friday, November 29, 2013

Mercedes-Benz Phaeton 1905 Tertua Dalam Sejarah Dilelang Bulan Depan

Selasa, 26 November 2013 Thumbnail

Coys via Motorward

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com: Acara lelang Coys True Greats Auction yang akan digelar pada 3 Desember di The Royal Horticultural Society, Lindley Hall, Vincent Square, Westminster, London, nanti akan menawarkan salah satu  mobil paling istimewa yang pernah dijual di pelelangan.

'Artefak' tersebut berupa Simplex 28/32 Hps Phaeton 1905, yaitu model Mercedes-Benz tertua yang masih tersisa di dunia, milik kolektor Mercedes-Benz Arturo Keller dari Napa, California. 

Ini pertama kalinya sepanjang 110 tahun sejarah, mobil itu ditawarkan dalam sebuah pelelangan. Kendaraan besar dan megah ini dideskripsikan dalam kondisi lengkap dan layak jalan, namun tidak dijelaskan secara terperinci.

Apapun kondisinya, dengan sepintas saja kami yakin Phaeton klasik ini mampu memecahkan rekor pelelangan.

Selain Phaeton 1905, Coys True Greats Auction juga akan melelang Cooper 500 Mk V 1950 yang pernah dimiliki oleh Ken Wharton, pembalap satu-satunya yang berhasil memenagkan empat kali berturut-turut gelar British Hill Climb Championship pada 1951, 1952, 1953 dan 1954.

Mobil balap ini mengusung panel-panel aluminium, jok, tangki bbm, roda kemudi, period chronometric tachometer dan bahkan ban balap Dunlop R1 bermotif diamond yang seluruhnya masih dalam kondisi orisinal.

Editor: Nurtjahyadi

Sumber : http://www.metrotvnews.com

Komet ISON Hancur setelah Kelilingi Matahari

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - New York: Komet ISON hancur akibat panas yang sangat tinggi dan tekanan gravitasi  setelah mengelilingi Matahari, Kamis (28/11). Ada kemungkinan komet itu tidak dapat bertahan dalam perjalanan.

Sejumlah observatorium menyaksikan ISON berada pada titik paling dekat dengan Matahari atau perihelion. Ilmuwan untuk proyek SDO NASA, Dean Pesnell, mengatakan pihaknya tidak melihat komet ISON di SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory).

"Jadi kami pikir itu (komet) pecah dan menguap sebelum mencapai perihelion," ujarny seperti dilansir dalam laman NASA.

Sebuah video yang dilansir Space.com memperlihatkan komet ini tidak terlihat dalam rekaman pengamatan  SDO.

Komet itu makin samar baik dalam pandangan observatorium Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory NASA, Badan Antariksa Eropa dan Solar Heliospheric Observatory NASA.

Ini berarti komet ISON tidak akan terlihat di langit malam pada bulan Desember. (Ant)

Editor: Irvan Sihombing

Sumber : http://www.metrotvnews.com

Yuks! Jelajahi Fitur Baru di Nokia Lumia 1020

Jumat, 29 November 2013 WIB
Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - , Jakarta: Ada fitur baru di Nokia Lumia 1020 yakni kamera bersensor 41 megapiksel. Fitur ini memanjakan pengguna yang ingin mengambil foto resolusi 7712 x 5360 dan video berkualitas tajam.

"Sensor ini memiliki enam lensa optik ZEISS lengkap dengan optical image stabilization sehingga dapat menghasilkan foto jernih dengan detail tajam layaknya kamera digital dalam kondisi minimum cahaya," demikian dilansir Nokia, Jumat (29/11).

Dengan fitur kamera, pengguna dapat mengatur kamera secara manual seperti pada SLR profesional. Nokia Camera dilengkapi Xenon flash dan LED flash untuk video.

Tidak hanya itu, ponsel ini juga dilengkapi kamera depan HD 1,2 megapiksel wide angle. Ponsel dengan memori 2 GB RAM, 32 GB memori internal, dan gratis memori 7 GB SkyDrive itu juga dilengkapi kamera depan HD 1,2 megapiksel wide angle.

Teknologi Nokia Rich Recording juga memungkinkan pengguna menghasilkan rekaman video bersuara jernih beserta gambar nan tajam. (Ant)

Editor: Irvan Sihombing 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Through the Wormhole : Are We Alone?

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - For you all space lover, you must love this video, this is about Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman : Are We Alone? And here is the video

 Next time I'll show you the another episode

I think it is better to download this video with your IDM, so you can watch it without using the Internet.

Source : http://www.youtube.com

Through the Wormhole : How Did We Get Here

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - For you all space lover, you must love this video, this is about Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman : How Did We Get here? And here is the video

 Next time I'll show you the another episode

I think it is better to download this video with your IDM, so you can watch it without using the Internet.

Source : http://www.youtube.com

Through the Wormhole : What Happened Before the Beginning

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - For you all space lover, you must love this video, this is about Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman : What Happened Before the Beginning. And here is the video

 Next time I'll show you the another episode

I think it is better to download this video with your IDM, so you can watch it without using the Internet.

Source : http://www.youtube.com

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Through the Wormhole : Is Time Travel Possible

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - For you all space lover, you must love this video, this is about Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman : Is Time Travel Possible. And here is the video

Next time I'll show you the another episode

I think it is better to download this video with your IDM, so you can watch it without using the Internet.

Source : http://www.youtube.com

Through the Wormhole : The Riddle of Black Holes

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - For you all space lover, you must love this video, this is about Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman : The Riddle of Black Holes. And here is the video

Next time I'll show you the another episode

I think it is better to download this video with your IDM, so you can watch it without using the Internet.

Source : http://www.youtube.com

Through the Wormhole : Is there a creator?

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - For you all space lover, you must love this video, this is about Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman : Is there a creator? And here is the video

Next time I'll show you the another episode

I think it is better to download this video with your IDM, so you can watch it without using the Internet.

Source : http://www.youtube.com

The Day Made of Glass

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - This time I'll share to you the day made of glass, the day made of glass is the day when all our work can be help by glass, and this the video, maybe it really happen in 2020, it is possible by corning 2011.

If you want to see more video just klik here : http://www.youtube.com

Jaws Unleashed

by kamale1 on December 25, 2010

Games Keyword:

How to install Jaws Unleashed free pc game full version Download Jaws Unleashed free full version pc.Jaws Unleashed is one of good pc games to play. Enjoy guys :)

Do You Like This Game.

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - Based on the monster hit Universal film series, this shark adventure game Jaws (originally known as Sole Predator) has players assume the role of the most feared predator on earth, the Great White Shark. Driven mad by human infiltration of its home waters, the shark will stop at nothing to eliminate the human threats to its existence. Armed with 3000 teeth and powered by 5000 pounds of muscle, players fight their way through 20 missions set in fully destructible environments devouring everything in their path. Set in an accurately modeled undersea world, Jaws combines high-speed action and combat in a truly unique fashion. While defending themselves from other predators and humans that wish to destroy them, players will hunt down and annihilate their victims… piece by piece.

Windows 98 se/2000/me/xp (only)
1.0 GHz Pentium III and AMD Athlon
256 mb of RAM
64 MB GeForce 3 or higher or ATI Radeon 8500 or higher and EAX 2.0 or higher compatible sound card
DirectX 9.0 or higher compatible sound card
DirectX 9.0 or higher (included)
4.0 gb minimum hard drive space
16X or better
Windows -compatible keyboard and mouse

Source : http://www.freegames4pc.com

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus)

What does it look like?

Thorny devil (Moloch horridus)
Thorny devil distribution map
With its many rows of curved spikes, the thorny devil looks a force to be reckoned with! The lizard’s scientific name, Moloch horridus, was derived from Milton’s poem Paradise Lost. In the poem the Canaanite god Moloch is described as a “horrid king besmeared with blood of human sacrifice”. But the thorny devil’s fearsome appearance belies its true nature. Less than 20 cm long, this slow-moving creature feeds solely on ants.
Attractively dappled with yellow, orange, brown and white markings, the thorny devil can change its colour according to the amount of sunlight and its surroundings. Combined with its unpalatable spines, the lizard’s camouflage provides an effective defence against predators. But scientists are still unsure about the purpose of the large “horns” above each eye and the strange spiked hump behind the lizard’s head. The hump, which looks a bit like a second head, is probably a defence mechanism lowered to distract pecking predators such as birds. The horns may be used to store body fat or water.

Where does it live?

The thorny devil is found throughout the arid regions of Western Australia, the Northern Territory, south-western Queensland and western South Australia, living in sand, spinifex grasslands and scrub. It is very common throughout the Shark Bay World Heritage Area, especially in the red sands on Peron Peninsula, and at Nanga and on the coastal highway south of Carnarvon. Ideally adapted to its harsh environment, it uses tiny channels between the scales on its belly and legs to collect morning dew and water from damp sand. The water travels up these channels by capillary action to the lizard’s mouth.

How does it breed?

The thorny devil can live for at least twenty years and starts breeding at three years of age. Like other dragon lizards it attracts a mate with elaborate courtship rituals, including leg-waving and head-bobbing! In November and December the female lays a clutch of 3–10 eggs in a chamber burrowed up to 30 cm below the surface. Incubation depends on weather conditions, with warmer temperatures reducing hatching time from 18 weeks to about 13 weeks. Once hatched, the young lizards start eating ants almost immediately. Oblivious to the ants’ bites, they lie on an ant trail or nest and may lick up 1,000 ants in a single meal!

Any threats to its survival?

Like all reptiles thorny devils are ectotherms, deriving their body heat from external sources. They are often seen basking on roads in the early morning or late afternoon – and can be mistaken for twigs. Please keep a lookout for these animals while driving to avoid running them over. Thorny devils are protected under the Wildlife Conservation Act, so admire them but leave them in peace.

For more information about Western Australian wildlife check out the WA Museum Fauna Base website.

pdf icon Click here to download a printable PDF of this fact sheet.

Thorny devil close up
Thorny devil close up2
Thorny devils have a large spiked hump above their head.
The purpose of this structure is uncertain.

Scales cover the entire surface of the thorny devil's body.

Sumber :http://www.sharkbay.org

Friday, November 22, 2013

10 Mobil Keren Dari Masa Depan, Yuk Intip!

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - kali ini aku memberikan beberapa mobil yang akan dikeluarkan di masa yang mendatang.

Jum'at, 13 September 2013 18:01
Peugeot Onyx

1. Peugeot Onyx

Mobil hybrid mewah untuk mengarungi jalanan. Onyx didesain agar efisien dan memiliki kecepatan hingga 100mph. Mesin reguler mobil ini adalah 600bhp. Mobil ini sangat layak ditunggu kehadirannya. (kpl/sjw)

Sumber :http://www.kapanlagi.com

Tutorial for Lego Mindstrom Dragster

 Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com- Inilah tutorial cara membuat mobil dragster, ini sangat cool loh





Line up the motors as shown then push them together so that they all line up, turning the motors by the gears a little as necessary to get the cross axles to line up with the cross hole in the center of the middle motor.  The short axles with the larger gears on them should be pushed all the way into the center motor so that they "disappear" inside the motors.  The long axles with the small gears on them will insert into the beam hole of the center motor assembly that is one hole in front of the "elbow" of the angled beam.

Check to make sure that the long axles are centered and pushed all the way towards the center.  The tips should just be visible between the angled beams in the center. The gears and axles are braced by several beams to keep the axles from twisting and bending and the gears from separating and grinding under the high motor torque (twisting force).


Putting this beam on is tricky, because all six of the pegs must be lined up at the same time.  Hold the beam in place then wiggle the motors slightly to get all the pegs to line up with their holes.  If only some pegs go in, and the beam jams crooked, then pull the whole thing off and start over.  Be patient, and try to use only as much force as necessary.  Pushing too hard will make it worse.If you can't get it to work, you can brace the motors with a series of shorter beams, but try to make it as strong as you can.


The 4-peg plugs fit a little loosely by themselves, so adding a black triple peg down the middle tightens it up.




Use three wires to connect the three motors to the A, B, and C ports on the NXT.  It doesn't matter which is which, so arrange the wires however you like.



The "front wing" doubles as a soft bumper in case the dragster crashes into something.

Your dragster is now complete.   Note that if you add any more parts to it as decoration or whatever, it may change the weight balance, which may affect the dragster's ability to pop a wheelie.  The dragster should rest very lightly on its front wheels, so that almost all of the weight is in the back (but not too much to tip it over when standing still).

Dragster Programming
Use the program Dragster for your Dragster. 
After you press the orange button, the program will count down 3...2...1... before going, so that you have time to step back and be where you want to be to watch it.  The program then will power the motors for 3 seconds.
This is a simple program and will be easy to modify.  For example, the NXT programming system comes with some recorded voice sounds for "three", "two", "one", etc., so you could try making the countdown with a voice instead of beeps.  You could also change the amount of time that the motors are on, etc.  Don't try turning, though, because the three motors are all bound together with shared axles and forced to go the same speed, so turning will not work.

Using your Dragster

You can adjust the length of the wheelie bar by sliding its axle back and forth, which will affect how high the wheelie is and how long the dragster holds it.Reasonably fresh batteries are essential for good power.  If your batteries are getting low then you might want to change them.  Save the worn batteries for other projects that don't need as much power.  Also, note that different types of batteries are capable of putting out different amounts of power all at once.  Rechargeable batteries tend to be weaker than normal batteries, for example.

  • Try setting up a start and finish line and time your dragster with a stopwatch.  How many feet or seconds do you think it takes for your dragster to reach its top speed?
  • For a laugh, try removing the NXT brick from the dragster and holding it in your hand (use long wires leading to the dragster).  This will remove a lot of weight and make it a lot faster.  You may have to run to keep up with it!
  • This dragster uses all three motors in an attempt to get as much starting power as possible.  However, it's not obvious that three motors is really better than two motors, because adding another motor adds weight, and the batteries can only put out so much power all at once.  As as advanced building challenge, can you modify the design or design your own dragster to use only two motors, then time it as see?

    Sumber :http://www.nxtprograms.com