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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sony Hadirkan Xperia Z1 Compact

REUTERS/Steve Marcus/fz
Selasa, 7 Januari 2014 WIB

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - SONY menghadirkan ponsel pintar Xperia Z1 Compact, versi mini dari handset andalan Z1.

Versi mini tersebut memiliki prosesor yang sama dengan saudaranya, yaitu prosesor 2.2 GHz quad-core dan kamera 20.7 megapixel.

Ponsel pintar yang tahan air itu hanya mengurangi ukurannya saja, yaitu 4.3 inci layar HD dengan teknologi display Triluminous, sementara itu versi besarnya memiliki layar 5 inci.

"Dengan Xperia Z1 Compact, produk premium kami yang ditawarkan untuk pasar global semakin luas dan konsumen memiliki lebih banyak pilihan," kata presiden Sony Kunimasa Suzuki seperti dikutip Digital Spy.

"Xperia Z1 adalah smartphone tak kenal kompromi dengan banyak fitur serta desain indah juga tangguh. Dengan Xperia Z1 Compact, kami menawarkan fitur-fitur premium itu dalam ukuran yang lebih kecil untuk memberikan Anda ponsel pintar yang kompak."

Xperia Z1 Compact tersedia dalam warna putih, hitam, pink, dan hijau.

Smartphone itu akan diluncurkan secara global Februari 2014. (Antara)

Editor: Asnawi Khaddaf                                                                                            

Sumber : http://www.metrotvnews.com

Perempuan Inggris Memilih Dilamar dengan Perantaraan Teknologi

Selasa, 7 Januari 2014 WIB

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com: Perkembangan teknologi mulai mengubah hal-hal yang trsdisional menjadi hal yang lebih praktis. Termasuk pada kenyataannya bahwa perempuan di Inggris lebih suka dilamar melalui perangkat teknologi. Hal ini berarti lamaran tidak lagi dilakukan dengan cara tradisional, bertatap muka.

British Chillisauce menemukan bahwa 15% wanita di Inggris akan lebih suka bahwa seorang pria melamar mereka melalui perangkat teknologi. Dari jumlah 15 persen tersebut, 40% memilih media sosial sebagai media teknologi pilihan mereka, sementara 35% memilih dilamar melalui telepon. (Mashable)

Editor: Retno Hemawati                                                                                            

Sumber : http://www.metrotvnews.com

PlayStation Tawarkan Game tanpa Konsol

Rabu, 8 Januari 2014 WIB

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - SONY mengumumkan gebrakan terbarunya di arena game berbasis virtual, dan berencana membolehkan PlayStation dimainkan pelanggan tanpa menggunakan konsol.

Game yang disediakan tanpa konsol ini termasuk pilihan yang selama ini paling banyak dimainkan penggemar di seluruh dunia.

Cara kerjanya adalah dengan pancaran (streaming) data dari server Sony.

TV pintar edisi terbaru Sony akan dilengkapi alat yang bisa menunjang fasilitas ini, meski perusahaan teknologi asal Jepang itu juga berencana menawarkan kerja sama layanan ini pada pihak ketiga.

"Aset yang luar biasa besarnya," komentar pakar teknologi tentang strategi Sony ini.

"Anda bisa bayangkan ratusan tahun sumberdaya manusia yang dikerahkan untuk membangun layanan ini dan sekarang mereka bisa mendapat nilai darinya untuk waktu sangat lama di masa depan," kata Brian Blau dari lembaga konsultan teknologi Gartner.

Sony menjanjikan layanan percobaan terbatas di AS akhir bulan ini sementara layanan ke seluruh dunia ditargetkan mulai pada musim panas tahun ini.

Peran konsol selanjutnya juga akan bisa diambil alih dengan penggunaan tablet dan ponsel pintar. Tak dijelaskan lebih rinci bagaimana teknologi ini dijalankan.

Pengumuman ini dinyatakan di arena Pameran Elektronik Konsumen (CES) di Las Vegas.

Fasilitas terbaru besutan Sony ini adalah karya Gaikai, sebuah perusahaan teknologi game rintisan baru, yang dibeli raksasa teknologi itu seharga US$380 juta dua tahun lalu.

Dulu raksasa teknologi Korea, Samsung, sempat menyatakan juga akan berkongsi dengan Gaikai untuk menciptakan TV yang bisa dipakai memainkan game.

Pasar game dunia sejak akhir tahun lalu makin marak diperebutkan oleh dua nama besar: PS4 dan Xbox One.

Sony menyatakan sudah menjual 4,2 juta konsol PlayStation 4 sampai Desember lalu.

Pesaingnya, Xbox One buatan Microsoft, dijual dengan harga lebih mahal tetapi dilengkapi dengan sensor Kinect.

Sampai akhir 2013, menurut Microsoft sudah terjual 3 juta unit Xbox One. (BBC)

Editor: Asnawi Khaddaf

Sumber : http://www.metrotvnews.com                                                                                           

Pelecehan Anak melalui Internet Meningkat

Rabu, 8 Januari 2014 WIB

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - SEBUAH yayasan pemerhati anak di Inggris, Childline, mengatakan tingkat anak yang menjadi korban bully di internet meningkat pesat.

Kasus bully di dunia maya sepanjang 2012-2013 mencapai 4.507 kasus, meningkat hampir dua kali lipat dibandingkan pada periode 2011-2012 sebanyak 2.410 kasus.

Yayasan ini juga melihat meningkatnya kecenderungan untuk melukai diri sendiri. Sementara depresi dan hubungan keluarga yang sulit adalah alasan utama untuk mencari bantuan.

Pendiri Childline, Esther Rantzen, mengatakan terlalu banyak anak-anak yang terlihat sedang berjuang untuk menghadapi kondisi ini dan putus asa.

Selama 2012-2013, Childline memberikan pendampingan dan konsultasi kepada 278.886 anak-anak dan remaja. Badan amal ini juga menangani 10.961 kasus di mana orang muda menyuarakan keprihatinan tentang anak lain.

Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah amal selama 28 tahun, konseling sering berlangsung secara online (59%) daripada melalui telepon (41%).

Sebuah laporan yang berjudul "Can I tell you something?" menunjukan adanya kenaikan signifikan mengenai bully yang besifat rasis.

Lebih dari 1.400 anak mengatakan kepada Childline bahwa mereka mengalami masalah berbau rasial ini. Sedangkan tahun lalu pengakuan yang sama berjumlah 861 kasus.

Kata-kata yang umum diucapkan oleh para pengganggu terhadap anak-anak adalah "teroris" atau "pengebom" atau disuruh "kembali ke tempat mereka berasal."

Esther Rantzen dari Childline mengatakan laporan tersebut adalah alarm peringatan.

"Terlalu banyak anak di negara ini yang tampaknya sedang berjuang dalam keputusasaan. Jadi sangat penting bagi kita untuk mendukung anak-anak untuk berbicara mengenai masalah ini.

"Tidak peduli betapa sibuknya kita, kita harus berkomitmen untuk memberikan waktu dan ruang bagi anak-anak untuk berbicara mengenai kehidupan mereka." (BBC)

Editor: Asnawi Khaddaf

Sumber :  http://www.metrotvnews.com                                                                                          

Foto dari Kendaraan Penjelajah Mars Dipamerkan di Museum

Rabu, 8 Januari 2014 WIB

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - Washington: Sepuluh tahun setelah NASA mendaratkan dua kendaraan penjelajah di Mars untuk misi selama 90 hari, salah satunya masih beroperasi, ratusan ribu foto dihasilkan oleh kendaraan penjelajah itu.

Kini, Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum memamerkan lebih dari 50 foto terbaik dari kedua kendaraan penjelajah yang diberi nama Spirit dan Opportunity itu.

Pameran bertajuk Spirit and Opportunity: 10 Years Roving Across Mars akan dibuka pada Kamis (9/1) dan akan menampilkan foto dari kawah, bukit, gundukan pasir, badai asap, meteorit, batuan, dan matahari tenggelam di Mars.

Pameran itu digelar untuk memperingati 10 tahun misi kedua kendaraan penjelajah itu di Mars. (Reuters)

Editor: Basuki Eka Purnama          

Sumber : http://www.metrotvnews.com                                                                             

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top 10 Strangest Things In Space

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - Let’s be honest: space is an absolutely crazy place. Most science fiction writers throw in a planet with two stars that looks vaguely like Southern California, and call it a day. But the cosmos is a lot stranger than we give it credit for:

10.Hypervelocity Stars
Shoot 575
Everyone knows that shooting stars are just meteors entering the atmosphere, right? If you didn’t, congratulations—you just failed the fourth grade. What some people don’t know, however, is that real shooting stars exist as well; they’re called hypervelocity stars. These are big, fiery balls of gas rocketing through space at millions of miles per hour.
When a binary star system is gobbled down by the supermassive black hole (that’s the scientific term, by the way) at the center of a galaxy, one of the two partners is consumed, while the other is ejected at high speed. Just try to imagine a huge ball of gas, four times the size of our sun, hurtling out from our galaxy at millions of miles per hour.

9.The Planet From Hell
Gliese581C Forest04
Gliese 581 c wants to kill you. Seriously. Scientists have determined that this hell of a planet is the most likely candidate for future colonization, despite the fact the entire planet’s out to get you.
This planet orbits a red dwarf star, many times smaller than our Sun, with a luminosity of only 1.3% of our sun. This means that the planet is far closer to its star than we are to ours. Because of this, it is stuck in a state of tidal locking, meaning that one side of the planet is always facing the star, and one side is always facing away—just like our moon’s relationship with Earth.
The tidal locking of the planet alone results in some pretty odd features. Stepping out onto the star-side of the planet would immediately melt your face off, whereas standing on the opposite side of the planet, where there is no sun, would freeze you instantly. However, in between these two extremes is a small belt where life could theoretically exist.
Living on Gliese 581 c would have its challenges, though. The star it orbits is a Red Dwarf, which means that it is at the lower frequency end of our visible spectrum, bathing the entire sky of Gliese 581 c in a hellish red color. Another side effect of this is the fact that photosynthesizing plants would have to adapt to the constant bombardment of infrared radiation, rendering them a deep black color. That Greek salad wouldn’t seem so appetizing any more…

8.The Castor System
As if one or two giant, fiery balls of gas weren’t enough, here we have the Castor System. As one of the two bright stars from the Gemini constellation in our night sky, it has some serious luminosity. This is because the Castor System isn’t one, or two, but six stars, all orbiting around a common central mass.
Three binary star systems orbit each other here, with two hot and bright A-Type stars being stuck in the system, as well as four M-type red dwarves. All together, though, these six stars put out roughly 52.4 times more luminosity than that of our sun.

7.Space Raspberries and Rum
For the last few years, scientists have been studying a dust cloud near the center of our Milky Way galaxy. If there’s a God out there, it seems that he decided to get creative—this dust cloud, named Sagittarius B2, smells of rum and tastes like raspberries.
The gas cloud in question consists largely of ethyl formate, which is known to give raspberries their taste, and rum its distinctive smell. This large cloud is said to contain a billion, billion, billion liters of the stuff—which would be great, if it wasn’t rendered undrinkable by pesky particles like propyl cyanide.
The creation and distribution of these more complex molecules is still a mystery to scientists, however, so we won’t be opening up an intergalactic pub anytime soon.

6.A Planet of Burning Ice
Ogle Planet
Do you remember Gliese? That hell-hole of a star that we visited earlier? We’re heading back to the same solar system for this one. As if one murderous planet wasn’t enough, Gliese supports a planet made almost entirely out of ice—at 439 degrees Celsius.
Gliese 436 b is, quite simply, a burning ice cube. Imagine Hoth from Star Wars—except that it’s on fire. The only reason this ice stays solid is because of the huge amount of water present on the planet; the gravity pulls it all in towards the core, keeping the water molecules so densely packed that they cannot evaporate.

5.The Diamond Planet
Sig11-013 Med
Finally: a planet fit for Oprah, or perhaps even Bill Gates. 55 Cancri e—made entirely out of crystallized diamond—would be priced at 26.9 nonillion dollars. That’s the kind of stuff that even the Sultan of Brunei dreams about at night.
The huge diamond planet was once a star in a binary system, until its partner began to cannibalize it. However, the star was not able to pull its carbon core away, and carbon is just a ton of heat and pressure away from being a diamond—so at a surface temperature of 1648 degrees Celsius, the conditions are almost perfect.
One third of the mass of the planet is said to be pure diamond, and whereas Earth is covered in water and abundant in oxygen, this planet is made mainly of graphite, diamond, and a few other silicates.
The huge gemstone is two times the size of Earth, and has eight times the mass, making it a “Super-Earth.”

4.The Himiko Cloud
If there has ever been any object that has shown us the origins of a primordial galaxy, this is it. The Himiko Cloud is the most massive object ever found in the early universe, and it dates to only 800 million years after the Big Bang. The Himiko Cloud astounds scientists with its sheer size, roughly half that of our Milky Way Galaxy.
Himiko belongs to what is known as the “reionization epoch,” or the period from around 200 million to one billion years after the Big Bang—and it’s the first glimpse scientists have managed to get of the early formation of galaxies. To make it even cooler, it has been introduced as the “Giant Mystery Blob Discovered Near the Dawn of Time” by Space.com.

3.The Universe’s Largest Water Reservoir
Young-Black-Hole-Quasar 17130 600X450
Twelve billion light years away, the universe’s largest water reservoir resides in the heart of a quasar. Containing 140 trillion times the amount of water in Earth’s oceans, and found near the colossal black hole at the center of the quasar, the water unfortunately manifests itself in the form of a massive cloud of gas, several hundred light years in diameter—our dreams of the universe’s most kick-ass water slide have been destroyed!
But the kicker is that this black hole, twenty billion times the size of our sun, is constantly spewing out huge amounts of energy—equivalent to what would be produced by 1000 trillion suns.

2.The Universe’s Largest Electrical Current
Only a few years ago, scientists stumbled upon an electrical current of cosmic proportions: 10^18 amps, or roughly one trillion lightning bolts. With that kind of power, you could even use that pesky seven-blade electric razor you have lying around!
The lightning is thought to originate from an enormous black hole in the center of the galaxy, which has a core that is supposedly a “huge cosmic jet.” Apparently, the black hole’s huge magnetic field allows it to fire up this lightning bolt through gas and dust to a distance of over one hundred and fifty thousand light years away. And we thought that our galaxy was big—this single lightning bolt is one and a half times the size of it.

1.The LQG
Artist's Redering Ulas J1120+0641
So yeah, the Himiko Cloud is pretty big—like, half the size of our galaxy. Big whoop, right? Well, what about a structure in space so enormous that it breaks the conventional laws for modern astronomy? This structure, my friends, is the LQG—the Large Quasar Group.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is only one hundred thousand light years across. Think about that for a moment; if something happens on the far side of the galaxy, it would take a hundred thousand years for the light to reach the opposite end. That means that when we watch an event take place at the other end of our galaxy, it actually occurred when the human species was just beginning to form.
Now, take that length of time, and multiply it by forty thousand. That’s right—the Large Quasar Group is four billion light years across. The cluster of seventy-four quasars actually breaks the rules of standard astrophysics, since the maximum size of any cosmic structure should be only 1.2 billion light years across.

Scientists have absolutely no idea how this huge structure formed, since they had previously only been aware of other clusters of perhaps several hundred million light years across. The gargantuan structure absolutely spits on a certain physical law, which states that when viewed from a distance, the universe would look relatively uniform. This is exactly the type of condescending cosmic structure that looks over at our galaxy and, with a smirk, says “cute.”

Source : http://listverse.com

Kepler’s Weirdest Exoplanets

Artist's concept of Kepler in action. NASA/Kepler mission/Wendy Stenzel.
Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - Artist’s concept of Kepler in action. NASA/Kepler mission/Wendy Stenzel.
Captain Kirk has nothing on the “strange new worlds” the Kepler space telescope has found.
NASA’s planet-probing orbiting observatory launched its quest to find more Earths four years ago this week. Since then, it’s found thousands of planets ranging from ginormous gas giants to tiny rocky worlds that are even smaller than our planet. NASA extended its mission to 2016 last year, putting the telescope into planet-hunting overtime and, we assume, scientists into overdrive.

Along the way, Kepler has revealed some bizarre star systems. Check out some of the weirdest exoplanets Kepler has found so far:

‘Tatooine’ (Kepler-16b)
Kepler 16b. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Kepler-16b. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
“Circumbinary” is the scientific explanation for Kepler-16b’s 2 star-system. But “Tatooine” is the name that took the public by storm (or is that Stormtrooper?) when this world, orbiting two stars, was revealed in 2011. Although it’s named after Luke Skywalker’s home in Star Wars, proving Kepler-16b is habitable would be a bit of a stretch. The planet’s mass is about one-third that of Jupiter, and surface temperatures reach an estimated and frigid -100 degrees Celsius.
Deciphering a tune (Kepler-37b)
Kepler-37b, a moon-sized exoplanet. Credit: NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech
Kepler-37b, a moon-sized exoplanet. Credit: NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech
Scientists found Kepler 37-b through listening to its parent star sing. Seriously. The planet (just slightly larger than our moon) was revealed through measuring oscillations in brightness caused by star-quakes, then converting those to sound. “The bigger the star, the lower the frequency, or ‘pitch’ of its song,” said Steve Kawaler, a research team member from Iowa State University in a past Universe Today interview.
The 6-planet swarm (Kepler-11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 11g)
Kepler's planets displayed by size comparison. The six new planets around Kepler 11 are on the bottom. Image credit: NASA/Wendy Stenzel
Kepler’s planets displayed by size comparison. The six new planets around Kepler 11 are on the bottom. Image credit: NASA/Wendy Stenzel
It’s sure crowded around the star Kepler-11. There are six planets orbiting in circles smaller than Venus’ orbit around the Sun. Not only that, but five of those planets are even closer to their parent star than Mercury is to our sun. Excited astronomers said the system will rewrite planetary formation theories. “We really were just amazed at his gift that nature has given us,” said Jack Lissauer, co-investigator of the Kepler mission, in 2011. “With six transiting planets, and five so close and getting the sizes and masses of five of these worlds, there is only one word that adequately describes the new finding: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”
The warring siblings (Kepler-36b and 36c)
In this artist’s conception, a “hot Neptune” known as Kepler-36c looms in the sky of its neighbor, the rocky world Kepler-36b. The two planets have repeated close encounters, experiencing a conjunction every 97 days on average. At that time, they are separated by less than 5 Earth-Moon distances. Such close approaches stir up tremendous gravitational tides that squeeze and stretch both planets, which may promote active volcanism on Kepler-36b. Credit: David A. Aguilar (CfA)
In this artist’s conception, a “hot Neptune” known as Kepler-36c looms in the sky of its neighbor, the rocky world Kepler-36b. The two planets have repeated close encounters, experiencing a conjunction every 97 days on average. At that time, they are separated by less than 5 Earth-Moon distances. Such close approaches stir up tremendous gravitational tides that squeeze and stretch both planets, which may promote active volcanism on Kepler-36b.
Credit: David A. Aguilar (CfA)
Take a planet the size of Neptune and put it near Earth, and you’d have some scary results. Tides from the constant interaction would raise the water and the ground, causing fissures and no end of local zoning headaches for municipal authorities as the ground shifts, to say the least. Seriously, though, Kepler-36b (the rocky world) comes within less than 5 Earth-Moon distances of Kepler 36-c (a gaseous world about 8 times larger) every 97 days or so. They’ll never crash into each other, but just like young human siblings, they can cause quite a bit of chaos.
The mirror (Kepler-7b)
Kepler 7b, at right, was one of the first planets discovered by Kepler. Credit: NASA
Kepler 7b, at right, was one of the first planets discovered by Kepler. Credit: NASA

Well, Kepler-7b isn’t quite as reflective as a mirror, but it certainly catches more sunlight than scientists expected. This “hot Jupiter” was among the first planets that Kepler spotted. In 2011, however, it was revealed that its albedo, or reflectivity, flirted with the upper limit for these humongous planets. What’s causing this? Could be clouds, or could be the composition of its atmosphere. Shows we still have a lot to learn about these exoplanets.

Source : http://www.universetoday.com

Five Of the Rarest Marine Aquarium Fish

Five Of the Rarest Marine Aquarium Fish
Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - You may have seen mollies and guppies countless times at your local fish store or pet shop but once you’ve been keeping tanks for a long time, you might reach out for something more exotic. Some so called “rare” fish that you may see for sale may cost fifty to one hundred dollars but if you’ve got the coin, there’s fish in the sea that cost beaucoup bucks.
Before telling you about the rarest of the rare aquarium fish, keep in mind that these fish are not rare in the wild, but they are very hard to come by. Some live far, far away. Some live very, very deep. Some live far, far away and very, very deep. In any case, here are the five rarest and most coveted fish for marine (saltwater) aquariums.
Candy Basslet
This Caribbean beauty is called the candy basslet
#5 The candy basslet is a beautiful yellow and blue fish from the Caribbean. It is found all over but they are mostly collected from Curacao. They are easy to keep, easy to feed and they look every bit as beautiful in pictures as they do in real life, and there has been some success in breeding them in captivity.

Dr. Seuss Fish
Dr. Seuss Fish have become somewhat available in recent years
#4 The Dr. Seuss Fish is so named for its wild color pattern, strange body and equally bizarre looking face. Like our number five, the Dr. Seuss Fish is a basslet which lives at pretty decent depths of Palau and the Marshall Islands. These are also easy to keep and although there’s been a little bit of collection of this fish in recent past, we’re still talking around a dozen specimens carefully brought up from the depths each year.

Neptune Grouper
Regularly eaten as food fish in Japan, the live ones make awesomely rare aquarium residents
#3 The Neptune Grouper is so rare that it is barely known about in the aquarium world at all. This deepwater denizen is a staple food fish in Japan and East Asia but it is almost never seen alive in an aquarium. The Neptune Grouper lives so deep that when they are fished for food they are brought up quickly, and they die from decompression. Only a handful of live juveniles have been found and collected in water shallow enough that they make suitable aquarium inhabitants.

Masked Angelfish
The bright white and vivid orange color of the masked angelfish gives it a special appearance
#2 The Masked Angelfish is a mostly white fish that lives in the Hawaiian Islands. This fish is common along most of the Hawaiian Chain, if you know where to look. Most of the Hawaiian Islands is protected and where it is, the Masked Angelfish lives at the reasonable depths of 100-300 feet. But where the masked angelfish is legal to collect, divers must often dive to 300 to 400 feet deep, a very dangerous feat not accomplished by many and one collector has died from diving complications in his quest to collect a masked angelfish.

Peppermint Angelfish
Coming from far away and very very deep, the peppermint angelfish is the holy grail of rare aquarium fish
#1 Ask any saltwater aquarium lover what is the rarest fish in the world and they will invariably tell you the Peppermint Angelfish. Adorned in beautiful red and white stripes, this species is found in the South Pacific, in only a couple locales and at a very profound depth. If you should so happen to find yourself in the Cook Islands, and if you should so happen to get your dive rig safely down to 400 feet, you still have the daunting task of actually catching this fish which prefers to stay close to very convoluted reef rock. Due to its remoteness, complex habitat and extreme depth, the Peppermint Angelfish is the holy grail of rare reef fish.

Jake Adams is the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com where they cover everything there is to know about saltwater tanks and coral reef aquariums. 

Source : http://www.thefeaturedcreature.com

Top 15 Unusual Deep Sea Creatures

Edwardchristhoper,blogspot.com - The deep seas are often considered to be the last great, unexplored regions on Earth. Every year hundreds of hitherto unknown creatures are discovered ranging from tiny crustaceans to monster fish, and hundreds, even thousands, remain hidden awaiting our cameras. Here are 15 of the most unusual deep water denizens.
15. Ocean Sunfish
Ocean Sunfish
The ocean sunfish (Mola mola) is the heaviest bony fish in the world, with an average weight of 1000 kilograms. The species is native to tropical and temperate waters around the globe.
14. Megamouth Shark
Mega Mouth Shark
This shark is an extremely rare and unusual species of deep water shark. Discovered in 1976, only a few have ever been seen, with 39 specimens known to have been caught or sighted as of 2007 and three recordings on film. Like the basking shark and whale shark, it is a filter feeder, and swims with its enormous mouth wide open, filtering water for plankton and jellyfish.
13. Chimaera
This strange cartilaginous fish uses its long snout to scan over the sea floor for the electrical impulses of its prey that bury in the muddy sea floor, just like a metal detector.
12. Fangtooth
This fish, also called an ogrefish, while understandably named for their disproportionately large, fang-like teeth and unapproachable visage, are actually quite small and harmless to humans: the larger of the two species, the common fangtooth, reaches a maximum length of just 16 centimetres (6 inches); the shortthorn fangooth is about half this size.
11. Pelican Eel
Pelican Eel
The pelican eel’s most notable feature is its enormous mouth, much larger than its body. The mouth is loosely-hinged, and can be opened wide enough to swallow a fish much larger than itself. The pouch-like lower jaw resembles that of a pelican, hence its name.
10. Blue-Ringed Octopus
Blue-Ringed Octopus
The blue-ringed octopus is the size of a golf ball, but its venom is powerful enough to kill humans. There is no known antidote.
9. Viperfish
With a fearsome grin fit for a movie monster, the viperfish is a real-life predator that lurks in one of the world’s most remote locations.
8. Grenadiers
This large species has a rounded head and a mouth which faces forward to catch squid and fish that swim up off the sea floor. As in most other rattails, the males of this species have a special drum machine on their swim bladder that is used to attract females.
7. Vampire Squid
The Vampire Squid is covered entirely in light-producing organs called photophores. The animal has great control over the organs, capable of producing disorienting flashes of light for fractions of a second to several minutes in duration.
6. Glass Squid
Glass Squid-1
With its polka-dot mantle and wide-eyed expression, this glass creature represents a lighter side of the inky ocean deep.

5. Giant Squid
Giant Squid
The elusive giant squid, known to science as Architeuthis dux, is one of the world’s largest animals, reaching a length of up to 60 feet. It is the largest known invertebrate in the world.
4. Giant Isopod
These creatures are thought to be abundant in cold, deep waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
3. Football Fish
Football Fish
The species holds pride of place as the first deep-sea angler ever found. The original specimen washed ashore in Greenland in 1833; at 22 inches long, it is still the largest one on record. Since no females of this species have ever been found bearing parasitic males, biologists assume they are fertilized by free-swimming mates.
2. Pacific Blackdragon
Female blackdragons are about two feet (61 cm) long and have fanglike teeth and a long chin whisker. The males are small, about three inches (8 cm) in length, and brownish in color. They have no teeth, no chin barbel and no stomach. Unable to eat, the male lives only long enough to mate.
1. Amphipod

The unusual animal, called Phronima, an Amphipod, is one of the many strange species recently found on an expedition to a deep-sea mountain range in the North Atlantic.

Source : http://listverse.com

Kronosaurus queenslandicus

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - Kronosaurus queenslandicus, from the Early Cretaceous of Queensland, was the largest known pliosaurid. These huge marine carnivores plied the oceans and inland seas during the Mesozoic, using both pairs of limbs to 'fly' underwater. Kronosaurus would have hunted large fish, invertebrates such as giant squid and ammonites, and perhaps even other large reptiles like elasmosaurids and ichthyosaurs.
Pliosaur, Kronosaurus queenslandicus
Pliosaur, Kronosaurus queenslandicus
© Australian Museum


Plesiosaurs (pliosaurids and elasmosaurids) were secondarily marine tetrapods that evolved from a group of terrestrial sauropterygian reptiles during the latest Triassic. The limbs of plesiosaurs were developed into paddles, and the limb girdles formed large ventral plates akin to the plastron of turtles. Pliosaurids were short-necked with proportionately large heads, while elasmosaurids generally had small heads and long necks (the 'pliosaurid' body plan apparently evolved independently in at least three plesiosaur lineages). The skulls of pliosaurids were massive, leading to overestimates of their total lengths.
Kronosaurus was the largest of the pliosaurids. Its skull was at least 2.4m long (proportionately large for the estimated body length of no more than ten meters). References to a length for Kronosaurus of nearly 13 meters are exaggerated. The teeth of Kronosaurus are conical, crushing teeth like those of pliosaurids that fed on the plentiful, hard-shelled ammonites of Cretaceous seas.
Kronosaurus queenslandicus was most closely related to the only other known species of Kronosaurus, K. boyacensis from the Early Cretaceous of the Boyaca region, northern Colombia.

Size range

8 m - 10m long (head-tail)


Kronosaurus queenslandicus was found at Army Downs near Hughenden in north-central Queensland. Isolated teeth referable to Kronosaurus are reported from the Walumbilla Formation, White Cliffs, New South Wales and from the Bulldog Shale, northern South Australia.


Kronosaurus lived in the cool, high-latitude Eromanga Sea - an inland sea that covered vast areas of inland Australia from 120-90 million years ago (Aptian-Albian-Cenomanian). Glendonites and boulders that may have been rafted by ice are evidence of cold to near-freezing conditions during the austral winter.

Life cycle

Plesiosaurs propelled themselves through the water using lift-based appendicular locomotion, as in birds, sea lions and sea turtles. However, only plesiosaurs used both forelimbs and hindlimbs in locomotion. Pliosaurids (unlike elasmosaurids) were able to cruise at high speeds for long periods of time.


Kronosaurus queenslandicus was named in 1901 from a jaw fragment with six teeth found near Hughenden, north-central Queensland. This material was originally described as ichthyosaur by Longman (1921) who later revised this as pliosaur (1924). The most well known fossils of Kronosaurus are those of an individual (a skull and most of the skeleton) found at 'Army Downs' near Hughenden in central Queensland by an expedition from Harvard University (1930 -- 1931). This skeleton was taken back to Harvard, where it is still held by the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ). A reconstruction of Kronosaurus incorporating the fossil material is displayed at the MCZ. There has been no complete description or comparisons with the type material in Australia (the type specimen is held by the Queensland Museum in Brisbane). It is therefore possible that the material held by the MCZ will need to be revised.
The skeleton on display at the MCZ (nicknamed 'Plasterosaurus') is one-third plaster, and liberties have been taken in reconstructing its size. The reconstructed skeleton, although impressive, is 12.8 metres long, about three metres too long. The modeled skeleton took almost thirty years to produce, the original bones having been discovered in 1931.

Era / Period

Cretaceous Period

Source : http://australianmuseum.net.au   

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Tegana Formation - Kem Kem, Morocco
UPPER CRETACEOUS PERIOD:  97.5 - 91 million years ago
Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - These are one of the most fascinating fossil teeth available from a very bizarre creature that is not widely known, Onchopristis numidusOnchopristis numidus is an extinct large sawfish that lived during the days of the dinosaurs.  This particular Onchopristis numidus rostral tooth specimen is intact with NO REPAIR and NO RESTORATION.  Intact teeth of fine quality are very rare because these teeth are dug and often found in hard sediments.  They are almost always damaged during the extraction process.  Choice enamel, color and preservation.
Related to the modern day sawfish, the Onchopristis had a long, hard shovel-shaped snout lined on both sides with barbed teeth.  This fascinating member of the shark and ray family trolled the murky bottoms of warm Cretaceous seas nearly 100 million years ago.  To gain insight as to how this extinct animal might have lived we can examine the modern day sawfish.
Sawfishes are very lethargic animals, spending much of their day nestled in the muddy sea/river floor. At night, they scull slowly through the shallows, using their sensitive saw to find buried prey, which are then raked from the sediment to be consumed. It is useful to view the sawfishes' unique rostrum like a metal detector combined with a clam rake.

If small fishes, like mullet, swim past a hungry sawfish, this great ray will launch from the bottom, slashing its toothy weapon rapidly side to side. Gouged by the snout's awl-shaped teeth, injured fishes tumble to the sea floor, now immobilized and easy to catch!

Apart from its use in finding and disabling prey, the toothy rostrum is also a weapon of defense. When threatened, sawfishes will smack this jagged sword against attackers, whether they be sharks or fishermen. Generally, though, sawfishes are very gentle animals, preferring to lie quietly, undisturbed.

Very little is known about sawfish life history, but the late Dr. Thomas Thorson performed studies on a freshwater species, the Largetooth sawfish ( Pristis perotteti) from Lake Nicaragua. According to his findings, this sawfish lives approximately 25-30 years, attaining maturity in about 10 years. Females give live birth and pup sawfishes are around 2.5 ft long at birth, reaching a maximum length of 23 ft! A rubbery envelope surrounds the softened saw at birth to protect the mother from harm. It is thought that mating occurs every other year, with an average litter size of approximately 8 pups.

Sawfishes love muddy shallow water, and this is why many people are unaware of them. Few humans, apart from tribal villagers and fishermen venture into sawfish domain. These elasmobranchs possess a remarkable physiological system allowing them to travel from the sea into freshwater at will. Some species seem to spend most of their lives in rivers and lakes! It is likely that sawfishes require a variety of habitats and salinities to complete their lifecycle.
Roughly 40 species of modern sawfishes are known; only a handful survive today.
1.5" long on the diagonal leading edge
SOLD     MV17-001     INCLUDES DISPLAY BOX     Actual Item - One Only 

Source : http://www.paleodirect.com

Cretoxyrhina Mantelli

Image: A Cretoxyrhina

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - Cretoxyrhina was one of the largest sharks and a formidable predator in the Late Cretaceous seas. Nicknamed the Ginsu shark after the kitchen knife that slices and dices, Cretoxyrhina ripped apart prey with a mouth full of razor-sharp, bone-shearing teeth. Evidence suggests Cretoxyrhina fed on mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and even the giant bony fish Xiphactinus, a fierce predator itself.
Sharks are made of cartilage, which does not fossilize well. Much of what is known about them comes from their abundant—and harder—teeth. Cretoxyrhina's were smooth, curved, and grew more than two inches (five centimeters) long. Bite marks and teeth embedded in the bones of its prey suggest Cretoxyrhina chomped with brutal force.
Estimates from a few calcified remains of cartilaginous Ginsu sharks suggest they grew upwards of 24 feet (7 meters) long, similar in size to modern great white sharks. Though fierce and feared, Cretoxyrhina was preyed upon by the giant mosasaur Tylosaurus, and Ginsu remains were scavenged by the smaller shark of its time, Squalicorax.

Fast Facts

Up to 24 ft (7 m)
Protection status:
Did you know?
Fossil tooth marks suggest Cretoxyrhina and Squalicorax sharks went after the same food, either hunting together or stealing from each other.
Size relative to a bus:
Illustration: Cretoxyrhina mantelli compared with bus

Source : http://animals.nationalgeographic.com

The First Shark - Cladoselache


Cladoselache (Nobu Tamura)

Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - The difficult-to-pronounce Cladoselache (its name means "branch-toothed shark") lived during the late Devonian period, about 370 million years ago, making it the earliest shark in the fossil record. If you'll forgive us for mixing our genera, Cladoselache was certainly an odd duck: it was almost completely devoid of scales, except for specific parts of its body, and it also lacked the "claspers" modern sharks use to mate with the opposite sex. Clearly Cladoselache figured this tricky business out, since it eventually went on to spawn Megalodon and the Great White Shark hundreds of millions of years later.

Source : http://dinosaurs.about.com


Edwardchristhoper.blogspot.com - Edestus is a mysterious genus of edestid shark. Some of the other edestids are Sarcoprion, Ornithoprion, Parahelicoprion, Helicoprion, and Campyloprion. There are five species of edestus: E. giganteus, E. heinrichi, E. mirus, E. minor, and E. vorax. Edestus giganteus is the most mysterious species of edestus, because people have only found one fossilized row of teeth.

This fossil of Edestus shows what the pinking-shear-like saw looked like. No one really knows where in the jaw the pinking shears went---if one went out of the lower jaw, if one went out of the upper jaw, or if there was one on the lower jaw and one on the upper jaw. Edestus may have used its saw to cut prey in half.

The jaw isn't the only mysterious part of Edestus, because no one knows what Edestus's body looked like---if it was long, tapering and eel-like, like the body of a Xenacanth shark, or if it was more shark-like, like the body of a modern day shark.

Source : http://www.lifebeforethedinosaurs.com